Monday, December 17, 2007

Thank You

I have thought long and hard about how I can thank all of you in a meaningful way, and I am at a loss for words. You see, I will never be able to thank any of you enough for what you have done for us, for me….and so; I want to candidly share with you what you have done for me and my family.

When Dennis and I first started this journey with Hunter, I felt so alone. Their were people that I loved around me, I had Dennis, my best friends and my family supporting me. I know they are what helped me through those darkest days in the beginning, they kept me sane (relatively speaking). Still I felt so isolated and shut out…sometimes even jaded against the world.

Then little moments began to happen….friends and coworkers began to ask about Hunter, and they began to share his story….loved ones saw our struggles and took on the stress and challenge of organizing events that both celebrated and helped our family……events were held, people that didn’t know us said prayers, sent well wishes and made accommodations. They showed up at the events and helped with time, love and donations….people CARED. It hit me with startling clarity….people, even those outside my circle cared. This reality has completely overwhelmed me with love and humbled my once self righteous isolation.

Suddenly the journey that started with sadness, stress and isolation has become the journey that has endeared Hunter into many peoples hearts, it has become the journey of compassion, hope and love. My heart has been filled and I have learned so much. No we are not always in control and no it isn’t always fair, but we must seek out the good in both the situations we are placed in and in the people that want to be there.

This is what all of you have given me. My family, my friends, and all of you that I may not even know…those who cared for my son, prayed, organized, helped, donated, those that have made sacrifices and accommodations for us and those that simply told me how beautiful my son is and expressed their concern….to ALL of you…this is what you have given me and I THANK YOU.

Hunter and I have conversations together, in those precious early morning hours that I get the baby duty night shift. A couple nights ago, I was reflecting on all of this and the events held and people that cared. Hunter was being fussy and it would have been so easy to just feel frustrated and tired, but I didn’t…I was thankful to hold my child that was delighting in hollering his frustrations to me. I decided to share this with Hunter…

I rocked him and patted his bottom and said "Hunter, I know that you have gone through so much, and have so many trials and you know how much you are loved baby boy?" I proceeded to tell him how much I loved him and daddy loved him, how much all of you love him and God and his angels love him. About halfway through the conversation he calmed down was just looking at me. Now, he may have just been wondering what his mother was chattering on and on about….but in my heart, I just know that he could understand what I was saying. I finished our conversation with a

Thank you to him as well. I said “thank you to be willing to go through so much to stay here with your daddy and I. thank you for choosing us as your parents and for teaching all of us so much.” And after all that he was soundly asleep in my arms and I finished my baby shift content and thankful.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, once again for sharing your story. It makes me so grateful for all that I have. I will hold my children close and love them more because of your story.
Sharon Morrill

Hunter Greyson Keel said...

you are always very sweet. thank you for your comments and I hope you and your family are enjoying your holidays!