Well, its been a long time since I have updated this blog. Medically I suppose I should catch everybody up on what has happened. Its a devastating blow, but one that Hunter has yet again defied. I found out that Hunter has what they call Mitral Valve Stenosis...It means the muscle ring around his valve is thickening and slowly cutting off the circulation so that the blood cannot flow from chamber to chamber. This is probably the single biggest reason for his monthly respiratory distress episodes, caused by edema and pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs). With all of Hunters other issues and his horrible track record for tolerating surgeries, we have decided against putting him through any surgeries on his heart. As a lot of you know, even on a perfectly healthy baby, heart surgeries are extremely risky. We learned of this latest news while Hunter was in the PICU on CPAP...in the beginning of Nov. They told me that with his blood gas being as bad as it was, he may only have a few hours to a few days...they told me they were worried he wouldnt survive the ride home....This was 4 weeks ago. This rollercoaster that Dennis and I have been on has been so stressful, we have gone through the "imminent" loss of our son so many times. I held him all the way home that night, I know I probably shouldnt have, but i couldnt bare having him pass in his car seat.
So...as you all can see...he is still here, and he is still as seemingly "healthy" as always. Just like his ornery little self. Through all of this stress and strife, i remain thankful. I have had so much more time with Hunter then they have ever given me hope for...Only Hunter and God know the plan for him, and I am blessed to be a part of his journey.
So much has happened since this news. Hunters 7 month birthday has come and gone...it is soon to be his 8th months. Thanksgiving has come and gone and I am so thankful he was here to spend it with us. The next goal is Christmas, I cannot tell you how much i hope he chooses to spend it with us. We have the tree up, which he LOVES. We have his stocking, and will soon have his first ornament.
Hunter has been slowly progressing in his grabbing and grasping. He is forever trying to undress me by grabbing my shirt, or he also likes pulling my hair. He is also focusing on faces a lot more, occasionally going cross eyed while doing it. I even think he tried to smile at me when i was acting extraordinarily silly one night...but then he just rolled his eyes instead. He is certainly a little character. I am going to post our Holiday pictures for you to enjoy...boy do i love that little dude's santa outfit!
Dad (dennis) had ankle surgery and has been out of work for a month, we are hoping he will be able to pass his physical and be back to work in January. Because of this he and Hunter have been able to spend a lot more time together...they are inseparable buds.
I want to take this last thought and Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your support and donations that you have given to Hunter's website and through his events. You have given us the most precious gift anyone has ever given, the freedom to enjoy our limited time with Hunter. Thank you so much, words cannot express how amazing you guys are and how humbled we are as a family that you have done so much for us. Thank You.
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