Hunter has been such a trooper during this and continues to watch his mobile and have staring contests with mom and dad. They are continuing to give him sedation because he gets really angry with the tube and fights it so much that the ventilation machine cant do its job! (man you should see the nurses panic when he turns his angry shade of red). so it can be scary, but i think once the tube is out he will feel much better.
On the mommy front, i feel scared for this winter, as I know I can't protect the little guy from everything...and this bug has hit him so hard. This episode made me realize just how fragile he is and to enjoy every minute with my little guy. So for all of you that come to visit dont feel offended if after you wash your hands, I bathe you in Hand sanitizer to boot! ;) ¬ÝI am going to do my best to keep him sheltered from all the little creepy crawlies this winter...wish me luck.
I am going to include a pic of Hunter with his vent. You will note that they have had to stitch the tube to his nose because it wouldnt stay in place (also a cleft palate issue apparently) I almost fainted when they told me about the stitch, but he seems to be ok with it and the tube isnt upsetting him as much since they have done it.
thanks everybody for your thoughts and prayers! i hope tonight finds you together with your loved ones, safe and healthy and sound.
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