Hello all! Hunter is finally home!
He is doing really well and is nice and cozy comfy in his bouncy seat with his favorite stuffed dog. This was such a long stay at the hospital that Den and I have virtually forgotten our routine when it comes to Hunter and his cares. We do have some Lung treatments to add to his schedule, he gets some inhaler meds and some nebulizer meds as well as some lung "pounding" therapy (similar to kids with cystic fibrosis). He actually really enjoys the pounding...puts him right to sleep. We also got rid of 3 meds off his list, so thats good as well.
I cant explain how Hunter does it,but he just keeps beating the odds...he definitely has his own agenda, and I am simply here to see that we and the medical professionals support it. I will never give up on my son, no matter what pressures are put on me or what the prognosis seems to be. I will also never put him through needless or futile pain. It is such a hard balance. If the pain will lead to a more quality life and more quality time with my son, then i feel that it is worth it. I will never prolong his death, only his life, and he certainly is full of that!
Thank you all so much for caring and loving Hunter and us. I have no idea how I would survive this bittersweet journey with out all of you. Here is wishing for a healthy couple of months without even uttering the word Primary Childrens! I am posting a picture of Hunter on his ride home from Primary...he really has the puppy eyes down...he is pleading for me to take him out of that darn carseat, he hates it.